Hand Santizer Kiosks with Hand Wipes As a Digital Advertising Solution
Hand sanitizing product kiosks are a simple and cost effective way to promote your business. In today’s society there are more than enough germs around to make anyone sick. People simply don’t have time to take the time to wash […]
Hand sanitizing product kiosks are a simple and cost effective way to promote your business. In today’s society there are more than enough germs around to make anyone sick. People simply don’t have time to take the time to wash their hands after they come in contact with the items around them. The use of a product like hand sanitizer at a public place makes it easier to keep the general population healthy while simply promoting your own business. With a quick glance at the sanitizer machine, anyone can identify which direction is dirty and go in that direction to keep their hands clean.

It is a given fact that the average person will use a public restroom, and so the reason for installing these products is to help keep people from contracting a disease or bacteria from one another. It is likely that we see more people walking through the malls with their shopping bags than ever before. It is almost impossible to not see someone with something covering their mouth or nose. The problem is that these products can actually be dangerous if used incorrectly or by someone who is ill. By placing digital signage hand sanitizer kiosks in strategic places throughout the mall, you will attract customers who are aware of how easy it is to keep their hands clean.
As we have noted before, technology companies have designed and developed these machines with ease of use in mind. However, as technology improves, we have seen technology companies take it one step further by designing and manufacturing a product which can really enhance the consumer experience. For instance, many digital signage hand sanitizer kiosks will allow the use of the sanitizing gel to be swabbed onto the glass. This allows the gel to work much like an electronic facial cleanser. The user simply places their hands into the slot and the machine will deliver a highly effective facial cleanser into the hands.
In malls, these free standing hand sanitizer dispensers are often found in the food court or in the vending machines. In many grocery stores, these free standing hand sanitizer dispensers are found in the cold-storage aisle. In both of these spaces, they are sometimes located next to a cash register or an electrical outlet. As consumers purchase items from the store, they will insert a bill into the slot and the machine will mechanically dispense a highly effective facial cleanser to the customer. In this way, it helps to improve the customer experience and increase sales.
Another example of the positive impact these free standing hand sanitizer kiosks can have on the shopping environment comes from the use of digital signage. A large percentage of retail stores display at least one digital sign. These signs can be used to draw shoppers into certain sections of a store or to convey specific information. For example, a digital signage that displayed the words “Liner Road” could have the latest promos or discounts currently available. It could also offer information on promotional offers that might not be visible from the cashier’s seat.
When these kiosks are properly built-in to a shopping center or other public space, the sanitizing chemicals will be immediately available when a customer enters the store. Because the kiosk is built-in, there is no additional installation needed, which makes for easy installation and quick use. Additionally, the fact that these kiosks are built-in means that a large percentage of a location will already be covered with them.
A high end Sanitation touchscreen kiosk may be built-in android or perhaps a touch screen, but that would be a rarity. In most cases the sanitizing chemicals would have to be delivered through a dispenser via a hose. Another interesting innovation is that a high end sanitizing dispenser could be programmed to dispense multiple concentrates, thereby offering multiple applications. In the case that there was a need for more than one concentrate, multiple concentrates could be administered in a quick succession.
In conclusion, we see sanitizing hand wipes as an important part of an overall digital advertising campaign. The reason that they are so important is because they do much more than just provide the necessary hand sanitizing agents, but also allow signage to be seen from a distance and help attract customers with their color and clarity. We expect to see a lot more of these devices in our day and age, particularly as we move toward implementing universal design across the retail industry. As we all know, keeping the floor open is a crucial component of this strategy.https://www.youtube.com/embed/9RqjL_2gd1o