Sanitization Kiosk Equipment List – Essential Items For Any Machine
A sanitization kiosk is a great way to encourage customers to take advantage of sanitization. With the increase of disease and illness among people, sanitization is becoming an important element in public health. By providing information about safe sanitization practices, […]
A sanitization kiosk is a great way to encourage customers to take advantage of sanitization. With the increase of disease and illness among people, sanitization is becoming an important element in public health. By providing information about safe sanitization practices, you are giving your customers peace of mind and contributing to public health. Kiosks are used by food service companies, convenience stores, spas, hospitals, and other businesses that offer sanitization as a service or feature to their business. There are many different types and styles of these machines, and here is some information to help you find the right type for your business.

The first thing to know about a sanitization kiosk is what it is. A sanitization kiosk is a machine that offers sanitation and germ removal for sanitizing food and drinking supplies in any environment. There are two basic types of sanitization equipment available, countertop and floor models. You will want to make sure your sanitization equipment list includes both types. Each type of sanitization equipment has advantages and disadvantages.
Countertop sanitization equipment has a limited area for use and typically does not offer all the sanitization options that a floor sanitization machine can offer. This type of sanitization equipment requires manual placement of each step in order to clean your supplies. This sanitization equipment list should also include any extra features that you might require, such as sinks for rinsing and sanitizing hand washing. If you are going to be selling hygiene supplies, this can add to your profits and help make the sales of those products easier. If you are not going to sell hygiene supplies, this is not really necessary. A good sanitization machine that can handle all your sanitization needs should be enough to meet your needs.
Floor sanitization equipment is slightly more expensive than countertop sanitization equipment and offers more flexibility in using your space. You can choose which sanitization method you prefer, rinse, dry, or paste method. Each method of sanitization is designed to work best in particular areas. Make sure you include this information in your sanitization equipment list.
Another item that goes into your sanitization equipment list is your sanitation monitor. The sanitation monitor tells you how your supplies are holding up to your sanitization process. Food sanitation monitors should be placed near food preparation areas. If you don’t have the room for a sanitization monitor, you should include an audible alarm that sounds when it is time to replace sanitization agents in the bags or containers of your supplies.
Other items you need in your sanitization equipment list are chemical sanitizing solutions, sanitization solutions and cleaners, and disinfectants. These too should be placed in locations where they will be seen by customers. Keep all of your sanitization equipment clean. If you have an employee who is trained to change out bags and containers, have them practice placing and changing sanitization products in the correct way so you don’t have to keep replacing supplies.
When installing a sanitization kiosk, you’ll also need to purchase some accessories that will compliment your machine. This includes: cleaning utensils, storage bins, and sanitization solutions. Again, buy quality products with long warranties. Your investment in your sanitization machine will protect you from costly repairs in the future.
Once you’ve listed the products you want in your first sanitization equipment list, go online and check prices. You may find that you can save money by buying refurbished sanitization equipment rather than new. You can also get coupons for sales at local janitorial supply stores and other types of stores that carry sanitization supplies. Make sure you keep your equipment list current, and you’ll be sure to always have the sanitization products you need, ready when you need them.