Small Portable Kiosk
When a large retailer decides to install small portable kiosks in their store, they have many options for how to pay for them. If the business has funds for installation, they may add a cashier line or add a LCD […]
When a large retailer decides to install small portable kiosks in their store, they have many options for how to pay for them. If the business has funds for installation, they may add a cashier line or add a LCD touch screen to the kiosk itself. This allows the customer to swipe a card through the reader and pay with a credit or debit card. The kiosk then displays the purchase amount, description of the item, and any applicable sales tax. The customer can then pay with a regular bill, or they may choose to pay with a pre-paid plastic card.

Depending on the needs of the company, some of these kiosks may be used simply as an informational aid. Customers are given information about local business hours, special offers, and what is available at each location. The small portable kiosk serves as an employee’s desk, where they can input all of their sales and checkout information. They can then quickly access all of this information through a computer terminal or a touch screen.
A small portable kiosk can be placed in front of a customer service counter as well. The kiosk allows the employee to give customers a quick look-up before entering their name and number into the computer system. It will also allow the employee to scan items that a customer passes by, such as a beverage or food ticket. This allows them to enter the correct information into the computer system and then automatically print it off. Many times the kiosk is also used as an extra tool for the cashier.
Some business owners like to use small portable kiosk as a sales tool. Instead of having to individually place a sale order on a cash register, the customer can simply place their order on the small portable kiosk and the system will charge it to the customer’s account. The system will then automatically debit the customer’s account each time that they place an order with that particular company. This is a great way to increase a company’s sales without investing a lot of money in the software system.
A small portable kiosk can also be placed in areas where there is heavy pedestrian traffic such as outside of department stores or in outside of airports. In these areas the kiosk will serve as a very effective customer service tool. The customer can simply use their debit or credit card to make their purchase and the system will charge it to their account. Many stores like to place the small portable kiosk in the entrance lobby of the store. This allows the customers to go up to the kiosk, pay with a swipe card and gain instant access to the store’s inventory.
There are many other uses for a small portable kiosk besides providing a cash register or sales tool. Businesses can place the small portable kiosk in their front door to attract new customers. This serves two purposes. First, it will entice new customers into the store by offering them the opportunity to purchase items. Second, it will also provide information about the business to passers by. The information on the sign may include the businesses name and phone number, a description of what the business sells, and an email address.